Confessional and Ethnicultural markers of the Parish Registers


  • Anna Hedo Boris Grinchenko Kyiv University, Ukraine
  • Olha Kryhina Mariupol State University, Ukraine



confessional and ethno-cultural markers, parish registers, church acts, ethnic groups, cultural features


The purpose of the article is to study the ethno-cultural characteristics of the representatives of various religions according to the data contained in the church acts for registration of civil status. The methodology of the study is to use historical, cultural and comparative methods that enable to identify cultural traditions and features represented in the parish registers of the representatives of different faiths. The scientific novelty is conditioned by the fact that the parish registers contain rich informational material, and proper storage of them in the archives of Ukraine allows to reveal the ethno-cultural features of the representatives of different religions. In particular, the veneration of church saints and giving infants their names is represented in the parish registers of the orthodox population. The Jewish parish registers contain recordings on the ritual circumcision ceremonies and the conclusion of a marriage contract, the availability of a separate parish register for divorce records. The parish registers of the representatives of German population are characterised by giving dual names to infants, banns of marriage, the indication of all family members at the record of the deceased.

Author Biographies

Anna Hedo, Boris Grinchenko Kyiv University

Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Department of History of Ukraine

Olha Kryhina, Mariupol State University

PhD in History, Associate Professor of the Department of Cultural Studies and Information Activities


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