
  • Anna Kniazevych Rivne State University of Humanities, Ukraine
  • Vitaliy Dmytruk Separated Subdivision “Lviv Branch of the Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts”, Ukraine
  • Natalia Hrynokh Separated Subdivision “Lviv Branch of the Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts”, Ukraine



development, nonlinearity, chaos, dissipation, synergetics, bifurcation points, attractors, mechanisms of management of innovative development.


The purpose of the article is the investigation of the processes of the formation and establishment of the main provisions of synergetics, as of a modern concept of development, and of its practical application. The methodology. The synergetics paradigm is an interdisciplinary philosophical generalization, an explanation of various kinds of doctrines and approaches to the study and analysis of practically any phenomena in nature. The synergetic approach to reviewing the state of the management system is to see in the chaotic unstable (in terms of details) system future orderliness and stability, to simulate the course of certain social and economic processes and to provide a forecast using synergetic methods and chaos theory. Scientific Novelty. The results of the research provide the study and substantiation in the interdisciplinary aspect of the possibility of using the synergetic theory as a modern concept of development in various fields of scientific activity, including economics and management. Conclusions. Nonlinear processes cannot be precisely predicted, because development happens through the random choice of the path at the moment of bifurcation. With its help, one can study the laws that determine the nature of crisis phenomena in economics, management, politics, and society. Synergetics, as a universal approach to the disclosure of the nature and explanation of a wide range of various phenomena of reality, can be widely used for the analysis and modeling of managerial situations.

Author Biographies

Anna Kniazevych, Rivne State University of Humanities

D.Sc. in Economics, Associate Professor, The Professor of the Department of Management,

Vitaliy Dmytruk, Separated Subdivision “Lviv Branch of the Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts”

Ph.D. in Philology, Associate Professor, The Director

Natalia Hrynokh, Separated Subdivision “Lviv Branch of the Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts”

Ph.D. in History, Associate Professor, The Deputy Director of Educational Work


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