Artistic world of a person as a communicative system:cultural sciences


  • Vladyslav Kornienko President of Kyiv municipal Academy of circus and variety arts, Ukraine



artistic culture, communicative system, culturological comprehension, substantive content, cultural universals


The purpose of the article is the cultural reflection of art culture as a communicative system, an analysis of the essential content of certain cultural forms and phenomena. The most scientifically capable of studying the artistic world of human as a communicative system can be considered the following methodology: - synchronic-diachronic, focused on the treatment of ideological universals;  - a convergent-divergent approach that considers the culture dynamically as an openly-developing open information system;  - the principle of statistical analysis of culture, aimed at identifying specific elements of a particular culture and the search for universal, characteristic of several cultures of phenomena, contributing to their comparative analysis. The most important scientific novelty of the presented research is, first of all, the formulation of the problem - the theorizing of art culture as a communicative system - which is not sufficiently represented in modern Ukrainian cultural theory. Conclusions. The article states that the analysis of culturological approaches to the study of the artistic world of human as a communicative system has enabled to reveal the content and directions of the evolution of this phenomenon from metaphor to category. In an effort to combine a universal with a specific and to cover the core issues of studying culture as a set of established forms of activity, it is determined that the artistic world of human is the result of human activity. However, it is not possible to identify it with one aspect of activity - with a product, a method, creative potential, spiritual energy, a value regulator with semiotic means, and the qualities of a person as a subject of activity. It needs to be considered in the aggregate of three modalities: human, procedural-activity and subject-matter.

Author Biography

Vladyslav Kornienko, President of Kyiv municipal Academy of circus and variety arts

doctor of culturology, professor


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