
  • Iryna Petrova Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, Ukraine



leisure activities, the Enlightenment, absolutization of education, secularization of worldview, deism, secular culture, the European Enlightenment.


The purpose of the research is to identify the suppositions and factors that form the base of the enlightenment model of the leisure activities. Methodology of the research lies in the usage of a set of systemic, historical and chronological and hermeneutical methods. Scientific novelty of the research is grounded with the origin of the pragmatic approach to the assessment of the leisure activities and leisure practices in the period of Enlightenment. Conclusions. It is proved that the formation of the Enlightenment model of the leisure activities was influenced by such tendencies as the acknowledgement of the leading role of science among other kinds of cognitive activity and the cult of Mind, absolutization of education that formed the belief in the possibility of solving social problems, provided the appropriate conditions for this; deism and secularization of worldview, which led to the denial of religious fanaticism and blind faith in to Church dogmas; social stratification of society. That’s why there were dominated such leisure practices that were aimed at the objective cognition of the reality and were based onto the pragmatic ideas.

Author Biography

Iryna Petrova, Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts

Doctor in Cultural Studies, professor of Event-Management and Leisure Industry Department


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