
  • Mostafa Moallemi
  • Sayyid Ali Hashemi Khan Abbasi



Abstract. In the Islamic traditions and in the history of Islam, which commenced with narrations, there exist lots of accounts about the life story of the Prophet that sometimes rise questions and ambiguity. These questions and ambiguity arise from theological viewpoints about infallibility of the Prophet. For example, Twelver Shias and other Shia sects believe that Prophet Mohammad (p.b.u.h) was infallible and a complete prototype of a perfect man. Based on this concept, social and moral behavior of the Holy Prophet is considered to be in total conformity with the principle recommended in the Holy Quran. In another word, it would be unacceptable that the prophet cursed or insulted or abused anyone by name or deride somebody. On the contrary and regarding to the Prophet’s manner toward his adversaries, there are some traditions in the Islamic texts which contain explicit curse, insult and abuse. In order to remove this conflict, one task should be taken into consideration: validating these traditions. If these traditions were not roved to be valid so there would be no conflict. This research intends to evaluate examples of such traditions through examining the chain of the transmission and investigating their indications. The method is according to the way which is fulfilled in biographies of the narrators of traditions (science of Riǧāl). The results show that the transmission chain of these traditions is weak and foible. The indication of those traditions is also incomplete. Therefore, there is no conflict and the concept of Prophet’s infallibility remains indisputable.
Key words: Life story of the Prophet Mohammad (p.b.u.h), insult, abuse, curse, deride, political and religious sects


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