
  • Alireza Monji
  • Morad Shamsi




Abstract. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of targeted organizational forgetting on job performance in Arvand Petrochemical Company. The current research, in terms of purpose, is in the applied research group and, in terms of research type, is in the category of descriptive-causal research. Considering the data collection tools, which their aim is to describe the conditions or the phenomenon examined, this research is of a descriptive study type and since data collection in this
study is supported by library studies and a questionnaire, it can be put into the field research group. The reliability of the questionnaire and its dimensions in this research was estimated using SPSS software and Cronbach's alpha. According to the result, which is above the minimum of 0.7, the reliability of the questionnaire was confirmed. The questionnaire consisted of three sections related to the considered variables and was ranked by Likert scale and the statistical population was measured. The
coefficient between the variable of targeted organizational forgetting and the job performance is equal to 0.590 and the corresponding t value is 9.649>1.96, so according to the t test, with a critical value of 0.05 at 95% confidence level, the null hypothesis can be rejected. As a result, with a 95% confidence, it can be said that targeted organizational forgetting has a significant effect on job performance. The results of the analysis of the first hypothesis of the research showed that "targeted organizational forgetting has a significant effect on job performance in Arvand Petrochemical Company". The coefficient
between the targeted organizational forgetting and organizational learning equals 0.766 and the corresponding t value is 9.775>1.96, which according to t test with a critical value of 0.05 at a 95% confidence level, the null hypothesis can be rejected. As a result, with a 95% confidence, it can be said that targeted organizational forgetting has a significant effect on organizational learning.
Key words: targeted organizational forgetting, organizational learning, job performance, knowledge management


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