
  • Mohamad Reza Babaei
  • Kiumars Kiani



Abstract. This research aims to investigate the impact of legal pressure, customer pressure and dynamic
capabilities on green innovation performance, with emphasis on the mediating role of senior management support, training, and investment in research and development and relational learning capabilities at the Oil Turbo Compressor Company. This descriptive research employs correlation and Structural equation research plan. The statistical population of the study includes managers, assistants, and experts of Oil Turbo Compressor Company, 281 subjects participate in the research. They responded to questionnaires on legal pressure, customer pressure, dynamic capabilities, senior management support, training, investment in research and development, relational learning
capabilities, and green innovation performance. Correlation coefficient and structural equation method have been used with SMARTPLS software to analyze the data. The results showed that the effect of legal pressure on learning abilities is not significant. The impact of legal pressure on senior management support, training, and investment in research and development is positive and significant. The impact of customer pressure on relational learning capabilities, senior management support, investment in research and development, and training is positive and significant. The impact of dynamic capabilities on relational learning capabilities, senior management support, and investment in research and development is positive and significant; but the effect of dynamic capabilities on training
is not significant. The impact of relational learning capabilities, senior management support, training, and investment in research and development on the green innovation performance is positive and significant.
Keywords: legal pressure, customer pressure, senior management support, training, investment in research
and development, green innovation performance.


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