Dissatisfaction with the State as a Concomitant Phenomenon of the Voidness of Cultural Discourse Meanings


  • Valerii Sivers National Academy of Managerial Staff of Culture and Arts, Ukraine




voidness, progress, contradiction, state, discourse, meaning, ontological, cultural, ethical, axiological verification


Purpose of Research. The purpose of the article is to analyze the concept of «voidness» as an essential characteristic of the modern cultural discourse in the context of the analysis of the institution of the state that leads to the dissatisfaction with it. Methodology. The research methodology involves a combination of the following methods: dialectical, phenomenological, comparative, historical, and onto-gnoseological ones. The latter is based on the formation of ideas about the basic parameters, taking into account the consequences of the temporary perception and understanding of the researched phenomenon. Scientific Novelty. The scientific novelty of the research focuses on the terms of the «voidness of the meanings of the discourse of culture» and «the axiological verification of the text». The mentioned «voidness» means the process of the formation of cultural meanings, which does not get closer to the syncretization of the myphonarativs as the basic value structure of individual and collective consciousness but multiplies distances among its realization. The idea is substantiated by ontological, cultural and ethical arguments. The concept of «the axiological verification of the text» is the development of the ethical argument, given in the article. Conclusions. Understanding the idea of the voidness of discourse of cultural meanings and the use of the axiological text verification allow us operating with the stereotypical schemes and phasing of the established forms of scientific analysis in the field of socio-humanitarian subjects to overcome the effect of distance from their essence. We are talking about simultaneously bringing the arguments in the traditional logic of perception, which gives rise to the phenomenological «wrapper» of a thing, and the opposed axiological verification procedure.

Author Biography

Valerii Sivers, National Academy of Managerial Staff of Culture and Arts

D.Sc. in Philosophy, professor, professor of the Department of Cultural studies and Information communications


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