Socio-cultural sphere rural territories in the context of sustainable development


  • Oleksander Shevchenko V.I. Vernadsky Taurida National University, Ukraine



sustainable development, rural areas, socio-cultural sphere, integral indicator.


The purpose of the article is to study the problems of the socio-cultural sphere of rural areas in the context of sustainable development. The methodology of the research is based on the use of historical-comparative approach and critical analysis of theoretical and practical data in identifying problems of the socio-cultural sphere. The scientific novelty is to indicate the state of the socio-cultural sphere in the countryside as an integral indicator of sustainable development of Ukraine. Conclusions. The state of the socio-cultural sphere reflects the state of the triad of sustainable development (economy-man-nature) as a whole and at a time when there will be significant improvements in the analysis of the state of this sphere, then it can safely be said that sustainable development goes to a level of growth. Since, in the study of the socio-cultural sphere as a whole, it is not always possible to see the situation in the context of the proposed study of this sphere on its indicators in rural areas, that is, use the state of the socio-cultural sphere of rural areas as an integral indicator of sustainable development.

Author Biography

Oleksander Shevchenko, V.I. Vernadsky Taurida National University

Doctor of Science in Public Administration, Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of Public Management and Administration


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