Intercultural Dialogue In The Context Library Interaction


  • Hanna Shemaieva Kharkiv State Academy of Culture, Ukraine



intercultural dialogue, library, intercultural communication, library interaction, international projects, foreign experience


The purpose of the article is to reveal the significance and features of intercultural dialogue in library interaction on the basis of foreign experience. The methodology of the research is based on the application of socio-cultural scientific approach in conjunction with socio-communicative, which allows to reveal and analyze the intercultural dialogue and peculiarities of its organization in the process of library interaction with readers - representatives of different cultures and among library specialists from different countries. The scientific novelty of the article is to broaden the concept of intercultural dialogue as an important process of library user services and the form of library interaction aimed at establishing a common understanding in the context of the development of cultural diversity. Conclusions. 1. The organization of intercultural dialogue as an important aspect of library professional interaction with users and colleagues and partners is sufficiently provided with official documents of the national and international levels. 2. Priority trends in the use of intercultural dialogue in the library sector are service of national minorities, migrants, refugees and users of libraries from other countries and library international cooperation. 3. In the development of the organization of intercultural dialogue in the process of servicing library users and involvement in the library services of broad segments of the polycultural population in foreign experience has become widespread: the creation of "humanistic" libraries, the organization of special services for migrants and refugees, the establishment of intercultural dialogue centers and linguistic divisions in libraries . 4. In the process of international library interaction, the importance of the use of intercultural dialogue is important when organizing and conducting international conferences and implementing joint international projects. 5. Interactive traditional and virtual forms are used to communicate between participants in the intercultural dialogue.

Author Biography

Hanna Shemaieva, Kharkiv State Academy of Culture

Doctor of Science in Social Communications, Professor, Professor for Department of Information and Library and Archive Science


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