Кyiv press 1914-1917. On immortalizing the memory of the First World War


  • Oleh Ivaniuk Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, Ukraine




First World War, Kiev press, commemoration, military cemetery.


The purpose of the article is to highlight the issues of honoring the memory of the victims in the First World War through the prism of publications about measures to perpetuate it in the Kiev press of 1914-1917. The methodology of the study includes the use of general logical methods of scientific knowledge: analysis, synthesis, analogy, as well as special historical research methods: internal critique – for source study analysis of documents, theoretical generalization – for formulating relevant conclusions. The scientific novelty of the article is that a comprehensive study of periodicals of Kyiv for the period 1914-1917 was conducted; The measures of the imperial authorities on perpetuating the memory of the victims in the First World War were highlighted. Conclusion. Thus, during the First World War, part of the Kiev periodicals, elucidated in detail all the measures that were related to the perpetuation of the memory of the soldiers who died on the fronts - solemn worships, prayer services, and the arrangement of places of memory in particular. This was an important part of imperial policy, which consisted in the heroization of the military past, the exaltation of victories in invasive wars, the justification of the right to annexation and occupation, the upbringing of a respectful attitude to the king and imperial power institutions.

Author Biography

Oleh Ivaniuk, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University

PhD,  Faculty of History and Philosophy, Chair of Ukrainian History, Docent


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