Postculture in the Transhumanism Context


  • Fedir Vlasenko Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Ukraine
  • Yevheniia Levcheniuk Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Ukraine
  • Dmytro Tovmash Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Ukraine



individual, society, culture, postculture, humanism, transhumanism


The purpose of the article is to implement the social-philosophical analysis of the “man-technology” relations in the conditions of culture transformation and deployment of transhumanism. Methodology.  The theoretical and methodological basis of the research is the conceptual approaches of the national and foreign researchers who study globalization and its social and cultural consequences. That includes the works of such scholars as L. Althusser, J. Bodrijar, G. Wells, M. Epstein, V. Kutyriov, M. Foucault,F. Fucuyama, I. Frolov, V. Chekletsov and others. Both general scientific and philosophical methods have been used in the research, including analysis, synthesis, the dialectic method, the phenomenological one, the hermeneutic one, the comparative one and others. The scientific novelty is the socio-philosophical analysis of the contemporary socio-cultural transformations which are caused by the mankind’s scientific and technological progress and are characterized by being dehumanization of a separate individual as well as of the society in whole. Conclusions. Nanotechnologies, biotechnologies, and informatization do not only determine the further culture development,  but they also change the modern man’s outlook in which real, natural and objective things are being replaced with artificial, virtual and simulated ones. As a result, an individual is disoriented in his or her value orientations and identity, his or her worldview appears to be fragmentary and his or her behavior becomes unpredictable. Thus, an individual turns from being the subject of an action into the object of the technosphere and he or she does not understand that the results of his or her work (Internet, social networking, modern communication facilities) should not replace the world (natural, social). They are just ways to increase work productivity

Author Biographies

Fedir Vlasenko, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv

Doctor of Philosophical Sciences (Ph. D.), Associated Professor,

Yevheniia Levcheniuk, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv

the Doctor of Philosophical Sciences (Ph. D.), Associated Professor

Dmytro Tovmash, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv

Candidate of Science (Philosophy), Associate Professor, associate professor of the Department of Philosophy of Humanities


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