Cultural space of Bukovinian wedding ceremony


  • Yulia Rusnak Higher State Educational Establishment of Ukraine "Bukovinian State Medical University", Ukraine
  • Natalia Flipchuk Institute of Pedagogical Education and Adult Education NAPN Ukraine, Ukraine



cultural space, ethnolinguistics, cultural term, rituals, Bukovinian dialects.


The purpose of the article is to systematically analyze the wedding ceremony of Northern Bukovina of the last century, taking into consideration the ways of ceremonial terminology formation, the specifics of its functioning in the spatial continuum. The methodology of the research is connected with the use of methods of synthesis, analysis, observation of linguistic facts, systematization, descriptive and comparative-historical methods. The scientific novelty consists of introducing to the scientific circle the notion of cultural space, which allows to research linguistic problems with the use of information of the humanitarian cycle. Conclusions. An analysis of the cultural terminology of the Northern Bukovina wedding ceremony testifies the unique language-figurative world of the Ukrainian nation and, at the same time, the specifics of this part of Ukrainian dictionary. The ritual name is a particular remembrance of the nations spiritual culture, a key to the knowledge of its genetic peculiarity, psychology, and mentality. The wedding ceremony implements the nations cultural archetypes, which determine the observance of traditions in the form of rites. For many rituals, elements of imitative and contagious magic are typical.

Author Biographies

Yulia Rusnak, Higher State Educational Establishment of Ukraine "Bukovinian State Medical University"

Ph.D. of Philology, Associate Professor of the Department of Social Sciences and Ukrainian Studies

Natalia Flipchuk, Institute of Pedagogical Education and Adult Education NAPN Ukraine

Ph.D. of  Pedagogy, Senior Research Employee, Leading Researcher of Department of Theory and Practice of Pedagogical Education named after academician I.Ya. Zyazyun


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