Cultural and Recreational Requirements in the Context of the Development of Tourism


  • Lesia Ustymenko Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, Ukraine
  • Nataliia Bulgakova Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, Ukraine



tourism, cultural and recreational needs, leisure, recreation, recreational tourism.


The purpose of the article is to outline the main trends and perspectives of studying the interrelationship and ability of tourism to meet the cultural and recreational needs of man. The methodology of the research is based on the interdisciplinary combination of a number of methods integrated with the cultural, economic, psychological, and sociological approaches to the formation of a balanced understanding of the relationship of tourism and cultural and recreational needs of the population. The scientific novelty consists in the first attempt within the limits of Ukrainian cultural studies to substantiate the importance, to outline the main directions of study of cultural and recreational needs in the context of the development of the tourism industry. Conclusions. Cultural and recreational tourism is becoming the most popular form of leisure and recreation among different sections of the population, gradually becoming a peculiar form of realization of individual needs of a person, which gives it the opportunity to restore physical strength and provides psycho-emotional balance. The effectiveness of cultural-cognitive tourism as a way to ensure the recreational and leisure needs of people is also in maintaining social status, gaining new impressions, etc. This requires completing the definition of recreational tourism: it is a trip for the purpose of rest, improvement and treatment, which is carried out for direct use of natural properties of the climate, mineral waters, mud, attractive landscape and cultural and cognitive resources as a means of meeting the needs of people not only in recreation and relaxation, but also in obtaining new impressions, support of social status, social adaptation and self-realization.

Author Biographies

Lesia Ustymenko, Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts

Ph.D. of Pedagogic, associate professor, аssistant professor of  the department of hotel-restaurant and tourist business

Nataliia Bulgakova, Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts

lecturer of the department of hotel-restaurant and tourism business


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