Refutation of the theories of ecomuseum and new museology


  • Serhii Rudenko Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, Ukraine



ecomuseum, new museology, for what museums, social and cultural usage of museum, institutional specific of museum, ecomuseology, CoC (Cabinet of curiosities) theory of museum, institutional (self-sustaining) theory of museum, social engineering, museification, freezing of community.


Purpose of the article. Theoretical refutation of theories of ecomuseum and «new museology». Methodology. Based on deductive logic. This means, that scientific truth convey from premisses to conclusion and vice versa: conveying falsity from conclusion (in case of irrelevance to empiric checking investigation) to at least one of premisses or both of them. Scientific novelty. Nowadays «new museology» someone bind with marketing, client approach to museum work (in other words, with sensitivity of museum to social demands). But really this approach has little to do with theoretical models of ecomuseology and new museology. Ecomuseum is a result of renovation of CoC (Cabinet of curiosities) theory. This one has many robustness and viability, confirmed by empirical investigations. Conclusions. Close ties with community is a modern discourse in museology and social science at whole, which give modernity look to old theories. In addition, museums more and more self-isolates from society. Thus, theories of ecomuseology and «new museology» look fresh and new. But they cannot to solve the scientific problem of social and cultural usage of museum and its institutional specific. Traditional museum mustn’t to transform in ecomuseums. Besides, second premiss, which argued, that ecomuseums provides the best ties with community is doubtful, because phenomenon of community become more exterritoriality and abstraction. Further investigations of social and cultural usage and institutional specific of museum might be development the theory of museum as laboratory.

Author Biography

Serhii Rudenko, Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts

Phd in Culturology (Cultural Studies), docent of Department of Museology and Expertise of Historical and Cultural Values


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