Theoretical reflexion of semiotic communication: socio-cultural aspects


  • Anna Nemesh Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, Ukraine



political communication, information society, semiotics of political communication


Purpose of the article. The article explores the possibilities of the concepts of communication and information society as a methodological basis for the study of political processes in socio-cultural aspects. Methodology. Historical-logical, systemic, and scenario analysis methods are used to clarify the hypothesis that the global information space, in the context of weakening the internal and external process, is formed under the influence and at the expense of objects of transboundary communications. Scientific Novelty. The hypothesis is that: (1) in the conditions of weakening of the domestic and foreign political process, due to the growth of objects of transboundary communications, the formation of a global information space takes place; (2) However, this does not lead to the leveling of national sovereignty; (3) it is obvious that this tendency is transformed according to its rules. To improve research, synthesis from the theories of D. Bella, E. Toffler, M. Castells and the paradigm of semiotic political communication is proposed. Conclusions. The influence of communication technologies (1) restricts the choice of struggle tools between elite groups; (2) reduces the chances of a political elite in manipulating; (3) problematizes the effectiveness of traditional democracies in achieving the desired reform scenarios; (4) transforms the political process into virtually continuous electoral campaign; (5) increases the role of representative bodies, which promotes the promotion of government initiatives aimed at raising the level of professional competence of the elite.

Author Biography

Anna Nemesh, Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts

International relations Department Assistant


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