A ritual in culture of postvanguard


  • Galina Volkova aspirant to National Academy Managing Staff of Culture and Art, Ukraine




ritual, postvanguard, process of the education, rites to initiations, rites of the Initiation and Transfigurations.


The purpose given work - a discovery of ritual roots in cultural actions, including in forming modern music school education and music creative activity as such. Methdological base - a development to theories of the ritual to E.Durkheim, V.Toporov, V.Turner and others, in which  forshortening of analysis to science about religion in the cultural facts is realized on base of the complex approach, with attraction of comparative, historian-descriptive methods, which occupy honourable place in actual sociological generalizations. Scientific novelty. For the first time positions ritual of creation of culture is tracked on material action in modern educational and music-educational institutions.. The findings. In  educational process calendar net reports in general school and academic concerto in music educational institutions of the different steps most stability to chronologies and emotional colouration to solemnity correlates with ритуаликой calendar holiday in traditional society.  The ritual of the Dedication, which has generated the plural forms a rite to initiations, is tracked in structure taken around the world holiday First and the Last bell in general school, but in music educational institutions - a Holiday of the initiation in musicians and solemn terminating acts, which contents is a change the social status of subjects action.  А for this transformation of the social position  stand sacramente   idea of the Transfiguration, which manages  educational effort of the carriers of  actions in caracter of ritual in modern education, noted significant for postvanguard diffusion of traditional type to activity and specialization. 

Author Biography

Galina Volkova, aspirant to National Academy Managing Staff of Culture and Art

teacher to Odessa national music academy of the name A.V.Nezhdanova


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