The Harmonizations of Professor to Odessa State Conservatoire S.Orfejev Stepjenns and Prokimens for the Religious Service


  • Daria Androsova Odessa National A. V. Nezhdanova Academy of Music, Ukraine



music church canon, typologies of the musical expression, style of N.Leontovich, style of Palestrina, cоmpоser style.


The purpose of the article is a study written for church Religious service of harmonizations of canonical melodies, realizable professor, rector to Odessa state conservatoire S. Orfejev, which composer creative activity ate his participation in church divine service practical person writing the music, especially of the temple destination. The methodology of the work is the intonation approach of the school B.Asafiev in Ukraine. The base place occupies the method of the genre-style comparative analysis, hеrmеneutics method, as well as positions performance analysis, as this is presented in works of V.Medushevskiy, E.Markova,  as well as in work of S.Skrebkov  and others. The scientific novelty of the study is determined to appeal to carried in musicology typology analysis, in which not author's unique of work, but executed on canon creative variants given expressive typology forms the sense artistic-aesthetic presentation of the music. For the first time information is incorporated in the scientific everyday life of Ukraine about harmonization by composer S.Orfejev of canonical melodies to temple Services. Conclusions. The analysis of the harmonizations made by S.D. Orfeev demonstrated a high ability to typologically express the ideas-images of music set by the Service, defining the cant-partisan style character of the invoice. An individual perspective of the typological presentation of harmonization is found - by relying on N. Leontovich's "Palestinian", by drawing on bar-form effects both by organizing individual Power (in the first voice) and by defining the compositional alignment of this kind in the recording of Power and Prokymen. The harmony of the typological correlations is obvious - individualized by the Orfeev-composer, defined by high education, inherited from the family and the first professors of the Odessa Conservatory, professionalism and regency skills, finally, the fullness and sincerity of the Orthodox Faith.

Author Biography

Daria Androsova, Odessa National A. V. Nezhdanova Academy of Music

Doctor of Study of Art, Professor


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