Socio-cultural functions of Polish societies in Drohobych (the first third of the 20th century)


  • Iryna Bermes Drohobych Ivan Franko State Pedagogic University, Ukraine



socio-cultural functions, Polish societies, Drohobych, statute


The purpose of the article. To distinguish socio-cultural functions of Polish music societies of the first third of the twentieth century in Drohobych. Methods of research. Systematization –  to identify types of socio-cultural activities; analytical –  to reveal the essence of each function; generalization ‒ to find out the organizational and administrative experience of Polish societies under Austro-Hungarian and Polish ruling. Scientific novelty. The article was the first to classify and describe the socio-cultural functions of regional Polish music organizations based on the study of archival materials and documents, and hence, to reveal their essence. Conclusions. The socio-cultural functions of the Polish societies of Drohobych in the first third of the twentieth century are singled out. Consequently, it makes it possible to indicate their significance in a polynational, multicultural environment in specific historical conditions. The activity of Polish societies reflects the principles and interests of the Ukrainian singing and cultural-educational organizations with the aim of consolidating their own traditions and cultural dominant, uniting around the national idea.

Author Biography

Iryna Bermes, Drohobych Ivan Franko State Pedagogic University

Sc. In Arts, professor of the methodology of music education and conducting


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