Choreography as a means of expressing polygenic art forms


  • Alla Gotsaliuk Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, Ukraine



polygenicity, polygenicity in choreography, transformations of dance forms, synthetic formations, synthesized forms, integration forms, improvisation.


The purpose of the article is to determine the characteristics of choreography as a means of expressing polygenerval artistic forms. The research methodology consists of applying dialectic, analytical methods to define the concept of polygenerism in choreography, highlighting its features and forms (synthesized, integration forms and improvisation); functional and instrumental - the study of transformations of dance forms and their influence on changes in the aesthetic tastes and preferences of the audience; comparative - definition of the content of the concepts “genre”, “polygenality” through the understanding of the art of choreography. The scientific novelty lies in the fact that for the first time the patterns of polygenre choreography at the present stage of the formation of Ukrainian society have been studied. Findings. The study concluded that poly-genre choreography is the modern spirit of industrial and post-industrial society. Polygenicity was inherent in most cultural epochs, but it was most intensified at the turn of the 20th century. Simple dance forms that were associated with the practical work of man, the relevant beliefs and rituals, with their worldview is a more historical transfer of the past. It has been established that the postmodern perception of the world by man is reflected in the polygenality, saturation, elasticity, and complexity of all the means of modern choreography. It was determined that the poly-genre choreography can act as a technique, a method capable of changing the genre direction of the work, defining it as something new, innovative. Most types of dance are synthetic formations that indicate polygenism as the basic basis for creating new genres. It is established that polygenicity in choreography is a complex and multidimensional phenomenon, which indicates such a cultural property as self-organization and self-regulation. Moreover, polygenology occurs both in the interaction of only genres of choreography and with the help of means of choreography and other types of art. An interesting phenomenon is the possibility of interpenetration of genres of different eras.

Author Biography

Alla Gotsaliuk, Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts

Doctor of Philosophy, Associate Professor of the Department of Event Management and the leisure industry


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