Leonid Gopanchuk’s Painting: Study of the Artistic Heritage


  • Tetiana Dobko V. I. Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, Ukraine




Ukrainian art of the end of XX and the beginning of the XXI centuries, painting, portrait, Leonid Avakumovich Gopanchuk, Ukraine.


The purpose of the research: To highlight and analyze the life and creative path of the Honored Artist of Ukraine, the painter Leonid Avakumovych Gopanchuk (1955–2013), his creative achievements and the peculiarities of his creative manner. Research methods. Historical and source study analysis. Art study and comparative method. Scientific novelty. For the first time an attempt to explore the artistic heritage of Leonid Gopanchuk, his creative achievements in the genres of historical painting, landscape and portrait of XX – XXI centuries was made. His innovations in painting, features of style, participation in all-ukrainian and international exhibitions, personal projects were investigated. Little-known facts and sources from the artist's family archive are involved. Conclusions. Leonid Avakumovych Gopanchuk is distinguished as a bright personality, patriot, artist, who made a significant contribution to the development of historical painting and portrait in the art of Ukraine XX – XXI centuries. Landscape works are characterized by bright color, the desire to emphasize the spiritual principle in a man, call for the revival and preservation of historical monuments of Ukraine. It is necessary to explore and popularize the creative heritage of L. Gopanchuk more widely.

Author Biography

Tetiana Dobko, V. I. Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine

Doctor of Science in Social Communication. Head of the  Scientific and Bibliographical formation  Department


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