
  • Victor Karpov National Academy of Managerial Staff of Culture and Arts, Ukraine




art expert, expert, training specialists, cultural heritage, National Academy of Culture and Arts Management.


The purpose of the study is to highlight the essence of the process of preparation of art experts initiated in the independent Ukraine. Research methods. The choice of research strategies in disclosing the purpose of the study determined the application of system and complex approaches, as well as historical-chronological and comparative methods. The scientific novelty of the obtained results consists in the formulation and development of an actual topic, which in scientific terms did not receive comprehensive and objective coverage and is first investigated. The results of comprehension of the essence of the process of preparation of expert art experts can serve as an important component in the study of contemporary issues of artistic education. Conclusions. The development of the socio-cultural space of Ukraine has revealed the objective need to expand the range of work aimed at preserving and protecting cultural heritage. The distinction in this sector of the culture of the problem of training specialists with the expertise of experts is a natural phenomenon. It was emphasized that such training is being conducted at the National Academy of Culture and Arts Management.

Author Biography

Victor Karpov, National Academy of Managerial Staff of Culture and Arts

Doctor of Historical sciEnces, Head of Department  of Art Study Expertise at the


Архів НАКККІМ, спр. 11/1-06, т. 1, протоколи засідання кафедри мистецтвознавства та експертної діяльності.

Архів НАКККІМ, спр. 11/1-06, т. 3, протоколи засідання кафедри мистецтвознавства та експертної діяльності.

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Музеї та реставрація у контексті збереження культурної спадщини: актуальні виклики сучасності: Збірник наукових праць міжнародної науково-практичної конференції / під заг. ред.. В.Чернеця. Київ: Міленіум, 2016; 2017; 2018.

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Карпов В.В. Імпортно-експортні операції на ринку культурних цінностей // Вісник Національної академії керівних кадрів культури і мистецтва: наук. журнал. К.: Міленіум, 2017. № 3. С. 12 – 16.

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