1970-80s rock culture and the 19th-century music romanticism: a typology of the phenomena


  • Valentina Frytsіuk Vinnitsа State Pedagogical University named after M.Kotsiubynskyi, Ukraine
  • Natalya Liva Tchaikovsky National Music Academy of Ukraine (world music department), Ukraine




romanticism, rock, culture, subculture, frustration, bard, subjectivism


The purpose of the article is to argue the essential kinship between the rock culture of the last half of the 20th century and Western European romanticism of the 19th century and to point out correspondent analogies and typological parallels. Methodology. The study involves a comparative method as the main research tool. The methods of historical and systematic analysis are also of great importance in the process of finding common essential characteristics of the cultural phenomena in question. The Scientific Novelty of the research lies in the very fact of matching and comparing rock culture and music romanticism of the 19th century with including in the comparative analysis such aspects as artistic and historical situation, the thematic spectrum of the works of art, type of artist's personality, the specificity of the music language. Conclusions. The similarity of the two cultural phenomena, Western European romanticism, and rock, can be explained firstly by the resemblance of the social and historical situation, the key traits of which are great revolutionary upsurge with the further tough reaction that provokes frustration. The art, produced by the historical situation, has following typological treats: connection to the national liberation struggle, clearly expressed youthful world-view and corresponding emotional excessive emotionality, the domination of introvert and depressive type of artist, clearly traced bard characteristics with the appropriate specificity of musical and literature language.

Author Biographies

Valentina Frytsіuk, Vinnitsа State Pedagogical University named after M.Kotsiubynskyi

Doctor of Education, associate professor of the department of musicology and instrumental training

Natalya Liva, Tchaikovsky National Music Academy of Ukraine (world music department)

Ph.D. in Art History, senior lecturer of the department of musicology and instrumental training of Vinnitsа State Pedagogical University named after M.Kotsiubynskyi, D.Sc.-candidate


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