Styling in professional folk choreographic art of the present


  • Iryna Gutnyk Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, Ukraine



stylization, stylized dance, folk-stage dance, choreographer, spectacle, show program.


Purpose of the article is to analyze the today popular trends - stylization of folk dance, as well as determining its place and role in professional choreographic art. The methodology of the research involves the use of general scientific methods of theoretical and empirical levels: analysis and generalization of scientific and theoretical research foundations, comparative and logical methods. These methods allow us to characterize stylization in folk choreographic art, analyze the creative activity of leading professional choreographic groups from different countries and determine the role of stylized folk dances in their repertoire. The Scientific Novelty of the research represents the analysis of the repertoire of leading professional groups from different countries, stylization of folk dance which is the main direction of their creative activity. Conclusion. The folk dance stylization attracts more and more attention of directors in different countries and even becomes a stage philosophy of many foreign professional groups creativity. In Ukraine, for recent decades, attention has also been grown to the stylization of folk dance, and although national teams do not "specialize" in stylizing folk dance today, stylized numbers are presented in almost every concert program. This trend is popular due to such characteristic features of modern choreographic art as the interpenetration of various styles, the diversity of forms and directions and entertainment. The way stylization will develop in the future depends on the theoretical knowledge and practical skills of the directors, their skill in the creative interpretation of folklore choreographic material.

Author Biography

Iryna Gutnyk, Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts

Pedagogical Science Candidate, Senior Lecturer, Head of Folk Choreography Chair


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