Formation of pedagogical empathia of students as a psychological and pedagogical problem


  • Irina Gavran Kiev National University of Culture and Arts, Ukraine



empathy, art education, pedagogical activity, identification, imagination, reflection, interpretation.


The purpose of the study is to analyze the main core psychological mechanisms for the formation of the pedagogical empathy of students. Methodology. The application of the method of analyzing the theoretical foundations and practical searches of modern artistic pedagogy allowed for conducting a scientifically objective study. Scientific novelty. The implementation of the presented psychological mechanisms will allow students to significantly increase the level of development of pedagogical abilities and personal qualities, because the whole pedagogical system is permeated with humanism, love and respect, which contributes to the successful implementation of the pedagogical process of creative activity. Findings. The presented psychological signs of personal prerequisites for the formation of the pedagogical empathy of students contribute to the development of a positive personal position in the field of artistic pedagogical culture; formation of professional competence, focus and flexibility of mastering a set of systematized psychological and pedagogical knowledge and skills; the active development of artistic and imaginative thinking; craving for personal and artistic-pedagogical self-realization; ability to empathy.

Author Biography

Irina Gavran, Kiev National University of Culture and Arts

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Television Journalism and Performing Arts


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