The conceptual sphere of the analysis of abstraction in the fine art as an element of artistic culture


  • Antonina Dubrivna Kyiv National University Technology and Design, Ukraine



abstraction, fine art, abstract sign, abstractionism, artistic culture.


The purpose of the article is to find out the essence and description of the features of abstraction as a form of fine art. The methodology is the general principles of art criticism and cultural science of scientific discourse, which is based on analytical, system-structural, semiotic methods and generalization. Scientific novelty represents a conceptually new view of abstract art as a transhistorical style of fine art, which is based on universal, immutable cultural codes that are constantly reproduced from the past to the present. It is proposed in the scientific use of the notion of “abstract sign” as a concept of semiotic analysis of non-objective art. Conclusions. The basis of the figurative abstraction language is a sign and a symbol-code that has no similarity to a particular subject or concept, but expresses the general nature of the representation and is a universal form in the fine arts from ancient times to the present.

Author Biography

Antonina Dubrivna, Kyiv National University Technology and Design

Ph.D. in Art Studies, Associate Professor in the department of drawing and painting


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