
  • Tetiana Kablova Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, Ukraine



ethos, music, artistic forms, cultural space.



The research is aimed at studying the concept of musical ethos, as a characteristic universal in the conditions of the cultural space of the Middle Ages. The mentioned topic forms the following task: to indicate the main aspects of the formation of the concept of ethos of music in the Middle Ages. The methodology of work is to use comparative, historical and logical methods, a hypothetical and deductive method, which suggests the need for the existence of universal concepts in artistic cultural space, where there are certain concepts that are studied in the Middle Ages. Music is considered by the author as a form in which spiritual and real are combined. Scientific novelty. The musical ethos of the Middle Ages is primarily studied from the standpoint of the church, while at the same time not losing its material essence of scientific novelty. In the cultural space, the musical ethos is a spiritual core, a moral and psychological platform, on which the figurative and aesthetic model of contemporary humanity of life and worldview is built up. The musical ethos is characterized as the perfect embodiment of the material musical substrate, in the process of mastering the typical signs of time. Conclusions. The musical ethos is seen as a definite universal notion. It is the musical ethos that embodies the socio-psychological orientation of the world picture and the general mental setting for the formation of the cultural-civilizational process, its ability to generate and cultivate new types of reactions, ideas, and tastes in these forms. Thus, the musical ethos appears to be the genesis for the implementation in artistic forms of the preferences and cultural images.

Author Biography

Tetiana Kablova, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University

PhD in Arts, associate professor,
Head of chair of Instrumental and Performens Skills Institute of Arts


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