Theoretical foundations the questions of the physiology of the voice box and the voice training


  • Ivanna Komarevych M.V. Lysenko Lviv National Musical Academy, Ukraine



literature, physiology, voice, voice defects


The purpose of the article was the review of the existing literature about the questions of vocal physiology, practice of voice training and functional voice box' disorders, the arising defects which have the beginning singers. The methodology - the general scientific method and overview approach which helps to disclose the problems of the material's statement quality in the literature about the questions of voice box' physiology were used, and to analyze the scientific works of the famous voice teachers, physiologists, and doctors in the phoniatrics' industry. The scientific novelty of the work consists of knowledge expansion about the questions of the voice box' physiology, voice defects and the methods of their elimination. Сonclusions: the study of the acoustic and physiological singing characteristics, the best-known voice flaws, not only does broaden knowledge and understanding of the singing technology, but has, first of all, practical meaning for singers.

Author Biography

Ivanna Komarevych, M.V. Lysenko Lviv National Musical Academy

Ph.D. in Art Studies, Senior Lecturer at the Vocal Department


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