Modern ethno-festivals of Kharkiv region: traditions, experience, today


  • Mykola Krypchuk Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, Ukraine
  • Andrii Kasianenko Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, Ukraine



Kharkiv region, ethnic festival, festival movement, Slobozhanshchyna, cultural heritage, ethnographic traditions, directing technologies.


The purpose of the article is to analyze the ethnic-festivals of Kharkiv region, to highlight the dynamics of development in the context of the modern festival movement of Ukraine. Methodology of the research lies in the use of such methods: cultural, comparative-historical; comparative and system analysis, which  considers the festival as a complex structure, uses art-study approaches to the organization of festivals; elements of the art-study method for establishing the cultural-historical value of the festival as an artistic object; axiological, which is characterized by its specific focus on the development of value orientations of the audience, that determines the direction of human activity in the organization and holding of festival, the formulation of its goals and objectives. The scientific novelty of the results lies in formulation and study of the multifaceted problem of ethnic-festivals of the Kharkiv region, which requires a more detailed study of the Ukrainian art history science; in revealing the ratio of traditional culture and contemporary artistic practice. Conclusions. First, the analysis proved that Kharkiv occupies a special place in the general festival map of modern Ukraine. Second, the ethnocultural processes taking place in the region have already become an integral part of today's life; first of all, they are aimed at preserving the ethnic core of culture. Third, the ethnic-festivals of Kharkiv region have become a major event in the region, contributing to the restoration, revival, and preservation of the cultural heritage, in which the system of the unique, traditional culture of Slobozhanshchina is displayed and reconstructed. Fourth, the festival is a special type of artistic space, where the interconnection of different arts is realized, while traditional artistic forms and experimental forms of contemporary artistic practice interact simultaneously. Fifth, Ukrainian culture needs a review of current cultural processes, with a further interpretation of the best achievements of Ukrainian cultural heritage. Sixth, in the director’s creation of the general artistic imagery of the festivals, the theatrical context is a priority.

Author Biographies

Mykola Krypchuk, Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts

Ph.D. in History of Arts, assistant professor at the Department of stage and gala festivals

Andrii Kasianenko, Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts

lecturer at the Department of stage and gala festivals


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