Stylistic Features of the Scene of “The Lamentation”, the Shroud from the Church of the Holy Spirit’s Descent in the Village Shkarivka Kiev region


  • Viktoriya Mazur National Academy Culture and Arts Management, Ukraine



the wooden church, the Shroud, the combination of arts, the wooden church decoration.


The purpose of the article. The publication attempts to determine the iconography, the manner of painting and dating of the folk art monuments from the wooden church decoration of the Central Ukraine in the first half of the XVIII century. Methodology. Within the framework of the article and on the basis of the art research studies, the main task is the introduction of the folk art monument, i.e. the Shroud from the Descent of the Holy Spirit in the village Shkarivka, Bilotserkivskyi district, Kyiv region, into the scientific circulation. Scientific Novelty. In the study, the attention of the scientific community is focused on the art studies research of the discovered unique folk art monument. The work proposed for publication is part of the research results on the development and modification of the decoration of wooden church architecture on the territory of Central Ukraine in the first half of the XVIII century.  Conclusions. According to the results of the author's art studies of iconographic and stylistic features of the painting, the Shroud of the Church of the Holy Spirit's Descent in the village Shkarivka, in Bila Tserkva district, Kyiv region, we have grounds to include them in the artistic heritage of the XIX century with possible later additions.

Author Biography

Viktoriya Mazur, National Academy Culture and Arts Management

Ph.D History of Arts, Doctoral student


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