Mask as an element of theater culture: a scientific reflexion


  • Alla Medvedeva Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, Ukraine



mask, actor, art, stage theatrical performance, stage image.


The purpose of the article is to outline the main strategies in the study of the mask in different historical periods of the development of performing arts, taking into account the scientific aspect. The methodology included an appeal to general scientific and special methods, such, in particular, as a method of content analysis of an art history source base; synthesis; analytical and under. Cultural, historical and art history approaches were also used, which made it possible to conduct an objective study, taking into account the historical and scientific aspect of mask development in theatrical culture. Scientific novelty. The study analyzed the weighty baggage of theoretical scientific works, which allows for all the variety of approaches and assessments of the role of a mask in the expressive means of performing arts to highlight the functions, forms, techniques and methods for creating an artistic image by an actor; to identify the artistic features and characteristic genre features of a mask for the performance of its use in modern acting training. Conclusions. The mask is the undoubted dominant of the creation of an artistic image in the work of an actor, which is revealed with the help of the specific possibilities of theatrical performance. The artistic “arsenal” of the mask has been tested by centuries-old practice and reveals its viability in the most modern stage systems. Characteristic is the expansion of interest in theatrical art from the beginning of the twentieth century, and the active search for new means of expression has aroused interest in the mask as a means with ancient traditions. A wide range of issues, an insufficient number of scientific works, the prevalence of nonfiction creates an objective need to develop various issues of performing arts as the main part of the theatrical art, which requires constant updating and updating both in practical and theoretical aspects, which feeds the interest in the study of the mask.

Author Biography

Alla Medvedeva, Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts

Ph.D, Associate Professor of TV Journalism and Actor Degree


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