Creative activities as a form of activity optimization of students - choreographers


  • Lilia Savchin Department of Rivne State University of Humanities, Ukraine



contests, festivals, concerts, activity, optimization and students.


Purpose of Article. To examine creative activities (contests, festivals, concerts) as an effective form of optimizing the activity of students – future choreographers. The methodology  of the research lies in applying systematic approach to revealing the issues of creative activities as an effective form of students – choreographers’ activity optimization. Scientific novelty  explains the further determination of gaps in the topic of research of creative activities as an effective form of optimization, which can be considered as technologies of the newest conception, that is, the orientation to the final result. Conclusions. The activity is considered by modern scientists as priority precondition for creative education. It is the creative events that encourage students, the future choreographers to activity in order to become a self-forming personality as professional artists. The student will turn the acquired creative and professional-plastic skills to the discourse of a career promotion, which will direct him to the stability of the results in solving practical tasks, learning and chorographical activities.

Author Biography

Lilia Savchin, Department of Rivne State University of Humanities

Ph.D. in Historical Sciences,  Associate Professor of Dance,  Head of the Choreography


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