Disclosure of the ideological-imagery content of classical music in the ballets of Hans van Manen


  • Iryna Hertz Kiev National University of Culture and Arts, Ukraine




music, choreography, interpretation, Hans van Manen


The purpose of the article is to find out the specific features of the interpretation of classical music in the ballets of Hans van Manen. The methodology of the study is based on the use of the system-analytical method in combination with the executive approach. The scientific novelty consists in revealing the ideological-imagery content of classical music in the ballets of Hans van Manen. Conclusions. Hans van Manen in his work genre nature of music emphasizes with the help of original ways of their transformation. The style of H. van Manen is a combination of classic and modern elements. He prefers impromptu performances, while the abstract clarity of dance movements expresses the idea of a choreographer about harmony in the world, the search, if not the meaning of life, then the points of support. In the absence of a specific plot, its presentation reveals the nuances of human relations.

Author Biography

Iryna Hertz, Kiev National University of Culture and Arts

Associate Professor of the Department of Modern Choreography


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