Aesthetic traditions of Ukrainian baroque icon painting in modern sacral art


  • Olexander Tsugorka National Academy of Fine Arts and Architecture, Ukraine



Ukrainian baroque, aesthetic traditions, iconography, modern sacred art.


The purpose of the article is to determine the influence of the aesthetic traditions of Ukrainian Baroque on the development of modern icon painting. The research methodology is based on modern art criticism and cultural studies, which are based on interdisciplinary and integrated approaches. For the purpose of the study, the following were used: historical and cultural (to study the historical dynamics of the formation, formation and development of the Ukrainian Baroque style) and historical and comparative methods (to study the specifics of the evolution and transformation of the aesthetic traditions of Ukrainian Baroque in retrospect); the method of artistic analysis (to identify the specifics of the baroque iconography’s imaginative system); typological and system-structural methods (for the effective structuring of iconographic artworks, authorship, chronology and relationships with the aesthetic traditions of Ukrainian Baroque), as well as the method of stylistic art history and comparative analysis (to identify the specifics of pictorial style and technical and technological techniques characteristic of modern Ukrainian icon painters. Scientific novelty. The historical, political and socio-cultural factors that influenced the formation of bar features full-time icon painting on the territory of Ukrainian lands in the XVII – XVIII centuries, the characteristic features, aesthetic and stylistic specifics of the iconographic art of the Ukrainian Baroque era are defined, current trends, problems and prospects for the development of the aesthetic traditions of Ukrainian Baroque in the domestic icon painting are outlined. Conclusions. Socio-cultural space and the space of social art in Ukraine is characterized by extremely favorable conditions for the development of the modern iconography and creative experiments in the context of baroque styling, including the creation of icons inspired by the aesthetics of Ukrainian Baroque. The use of elements of Ukrainian icon painting XVII–XVIII centuries modern artists, the use of three-dimensional perspective, the image of Christ, the Virgin, archangels and apostles in national dress, with typical Ukrainian features – a symbolic hint of the need to search for holiness in real life.

Author Biography

Olexander Tsugorka, National Academy of Fine Arts and Architecture

Honored Artist of Ukraine, Professor, Professor of the Department of Painting and Composition


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