
  • Serhii Sherbynyn National Academy Managerial Staff of Culture and Art, Ukraine



social role, customary women's rights, traditional culture, sisterhood association, matchmaking.


Purpose of Article. The purpose of the article is to research some inverse forms of women's activities in the traditional Ukrainian culture of XVI-XIX centuries. Methodology. The methodology of the article is based on the interdisciplinary approach, which includes the following methods: analysis, synthesis, historical-comparative, legal-comparative and culturological ones. Scientific Novelty. The scientific novelty of the article is the analysis of the inverse forms of the women activities in the traditional Ukrainian culture of XVI-XIX centuries such as the woman’s right for matchmaking, the woman in army and woman in the urban corporative culture. Conclusions. Thus, in the Ukrainian culture, the women played various roles such as a mother, sister, and a homemaker. Despite those positions, the historical and social circumstances made the woman to realize themselves in political, social and economic activities. Such processes were manifested in the inversion between male and female social roles. The most popular embodiments of it are the women’s right of the matchmaking, women military service and craft professions.

Author Biography

Serhii Sherbynyn, National Academy Managerial Staff of Culture and Art



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