
  • Oleg Bunakov
  • Polina Kolodyazhnaya
  • Liliya Fakhrutdinova
  • Boris Eidelman
  • Anna Nayda




Abstract. In the modern world, when the number of traveling people is steadily increasing, Russia is striving to attract tourists by increasing the number of tourist exhibits. The logical answer to the constant increase in the number of tourists is an increase in the number of accommodation facilities, therefore the hotel business is among the priority areas for the development of the socio-cultural service. Since the geopolitical and economic situation is not conducive to the rest of the Russians in foreign resorts, an increasing number of our fellow citizens are choosing domestic places
for recreation. Accordingly, we are witnessing the effect of two trends: the first is an increase in the tourist flow within Russia, the second is an increase in the number of collective accommodation facilities, which leads to increased competition in the hotel services market. In the current conditions of tough competition, those hotel enterprises that are able to satisfy and even anticipate the guests' needs win. At the same time, the struggle goes not only for the guest, but also for highly qualified staff, and the correct selection, evaluation of candidates, the adaptation of a new employee and
competent staff training is the key to the success of a modern hotel enterprise. Despite the fact that the vector of modern scientific research has long since turned to the side of practical disciplines and the topic of personnel management has found multiple reflections in scientific works, still not all hotel enterprises in Kazan managed to build a competent personnel management system. The only exception is the international network hotels in the city, in which this problem is given special attention.
Thus, this work can be used as a practical and methodical manual on competent personnel management in hotel enterprises.
Keywords: hotel, company, manager, management, hotel enterprise, staff, influence.


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