
  • Elena Kuzmina
  • Olga Danilova
  • Elena Semuhina



Abstract. Modern advertising in all its diversity plays a significant role in the life of modern society, affecting all its areas. A huge social and cultural influence is rendered by advertising on a single consumer, prompting him to act at the expense of memorizing simple advertising slogans, providing, stipulating, and in some way constructing the automatism of his behavior. This is a special kind of communication between the advertiser and the consumer, directly affecting on the addressee, regulating his behavior, contributing to the formation of assessments, referring to the psychology of man with the aim of more stimulating the fulfillment of the communicative, original will of the advertiser. This kind of communication has firmly entered and consolidated in our life. The main tools for the distribution of advertising are television, radio and print media. Advertising envelops all spheres of life of modern man and become an indispensable attribute of his social activities. The article examines the features of social advertising in the modern world. Currently, advertising agencies create stunning social advertisements, real art-projects that make you think about the problems of the world around you. Social advertising is a communication complex, the means of information delivery here are text and visual image, merging into a single whole for a fuller, quicker and accurate delivery of the main idea of the authors. Thus, it plays a huge role in the formation of the communicative competencies of students.
Key words: communicative competence, advertising, social advertising, text, advertising message, metaphor, non-verbal and verbal means of communication.


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