
  • Mohammad Ali Shojaei
  • Dr. Ghazi
  • Hassan Beik Mohammadi



Abstract. Today, choosing an appropriate waste disposal option for cities, especially crowded cities such as Tehran, has become one of the important environmental issues. In fact, one of the areas where the reform can play an important role in promoting the municipal waste management system is the choice of the final disposal method of waste, since it is a multi-criteria and complex problem and has different environmental, social, technological and economic dimensions. In recent years, due to the increase in the production of municipal wastes in the metropolis of Tehran and the environmental consequences of their disproportionate disposal, and on the other hand, due to the disadvantages and advantages of any waste disposal method, including recycling, compost, waste incinerators and sanitary landfill, a variety of models and methods have been used to evaluate waste disposal systems in the city of Tehran and to select the best waste management options. But the problem of final disposal of waste from Tehran is still one of the main concerns of the environmental management of this metropolis. Because of the difference in the nature of waste materials in Tehran and its constituent parts, a waste disposal system for waste management in Tehran, is not a satisfactory solution, and in order to achieve high efficiency as well as covering all materials, several waste management and disposal units should be used in
combination. On the other hand, each of these municipal waste disposal systems will also have costs and revenues. Therefore, considering this point, the percentage of input of waste to disposal systems is important. So in order to achieve this, in this research we have to provide an optimal model using PSO in order to achieve the optimal combination of municipal waste management systems and determining the optimal amount of waste for each of these waste disposal systems, in accordance with the waste analyzes in Tehran, in order to achieve the highest efficiency, reduce economic and environmental costs, and increase the income.
Keywords: Urban Waste Management System, Optimal Pattern, PSO, Sustainable development, cost, revenue.


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