
  • Mohammad Ali Haji Dehabadi
  • Iman Mohtaram Qalaati



Abstract. The macro volume of working capital in public transaction and various renting can form
administrative corruption in this field. To fight against corruption in public transaction, the governments have predicted different mechanisms and one of the most important types is obliging the administrative institutes to observe the formalities of tender in public transaction. The formalities of tender include the processes with the aim of protection of the public benefits, avoidance of corruption and keeping the competitive space. If the formalities of tender are not observed for some logical reasons, we can leave these formalities in the rules. As tender exception is performed without following the rules and processes of tender, observing the fundamental principles to guarantee the administrative health is necessary. These principles include transparency, competitiveness, responsiveness and revision of the administrative decisions. The present study evaluates the Iranian rules regarding leaving the formalities of tender based on the mentioned principles to define how much the rules are based on these principles. The studies show that none of the mentioned principles are observed as fully in the rules of not observing the tender formalities and the rules have serious shortcomings in this regard. The lack of observing of these rules have important role in administrative corruption in this stage of public transaction. It is attempted to explain the
weaknesses and strengths of the relevant rules and present corrective solutions and remove the legislative problems and fight against corruption in this field.
Keywords: Tender exceptions, Administrative corruption, Fundamental principles, Public transaction


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