Mythologeme of Transhumanism in G. Meyrink's novel "The Golem": from Alchemy to Psychoanalysis


  • Lyudmila Gotz



cultural studies, transhumanism, transhumanistіс act, mythologeme of the transhumanism, esoteric transhumanism, K. G. Jung, the "mage" archetype, spiritual alchemy, tarot, New Age.


The purpose of this article is to investigate and explicate transhumanistic cultural messages found in G. Mairink's novel "The Golem" (1914). The methodology of research within the framework of Cultural Studies consists of the use of structural-functional plot analysis, semiotic and hermeneutic analysis, axiological, and archetypal analysis (analytical psychology of C. G. Jung). The scientific novelty of this paper lies in the fact that within the framework of the humanities, in particular cultural studies, for the first time the analysis of the "Golem" novel is carried out in the context of the transhumanist paradigm. Also offered are the author's definitions of the concepts of "transhumanism" and "transhumanistic act". Conclusions. G. Meyrink’s esoteric transhumanism insists on the need to overcome the "golemic", that is, the "incompleteness", the original imperfection of man, and reach self-deification.


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