Dynamics of cultural potential of tourist practices in the context of individualization of the existence of modern man


  • Stepan Dychkovskyy




tourist practices, cultural potential, cultural practices, information society, mass culture.


The purpose of the article is to investigate the dynamics of the cultural potential of tourism practices in the context of the individualization of modern man. The methodology involves the use of historical, bibliographic, and analytical methods. The scientific novelty of the work lies in the identification of key characteristics of tourism in the development of digital society, which justify its information orientation and increase its social and spiritual significance in the system of modern tourism practices. Conclusions. In the 21st century, tourism practices are evolving under the influence of digital technologies. Thanks to digital technologies, modern society is becoming a global online media project, which is presented on the Internet and in the media. Currently, there is a lack of a unified approach to conceptualizing the essence of tourism practices in the context of the information society and cultural understanding of the transformations caused by the development of virtual tourism space, which poses challenges to researchers.


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