Culturological reflection of M.M. Sinelnikov`s creative phenomenon in the dimension of the game conception of the culture of J. Huizinga


  • Liudmyla Lukasheva



phenomenon of creative personality, game, person playing, cultural studies, socio-cultural space, game concept, game space.


The purpose of the article is to conduct a culturological reflection of the creative phenomenon of M.M. Sinelnikov in the dimension of the game conception of J. Huizinga. The methodology of research is based on the use of a set of general scientific and specific scientific methods in accordance with the cultural discourse. The historical method is used to illuminate the problems to cover and analyze the constituent components of the investigated problems. The hermeneutic method was used to study and interpret the theoretical provisions of the studied problems. To conceptualize the main points and factors investigated the problems, used the method of generalization. The scientific novelty is to address the little-studied problems of the creative phenomenon of the prominent artistic figure-reformer of the late 19th – early 20th centuries M.M. Sinelnikov and his analytical dimension through the prism of the game conception of  J. Huizinga. Conclusions.  An appeal to the creative phenomenon of M.M. Sinelnikov through the prism of the playful conception of culture by J. Huizinga made it possible to carry out a more extensive and in-depth analytical dimension of the investigated problems. As a result of the research, the correspondence of M.M. Sinelnikov`s artistic essence to the concept of a Homo Ludens is established. The basic factors of  influence of the creative phenomenon of M.M. Sinelnikov on the process of transformation of the socio-cultural space  of Ukraine in the late 19th  –  early 20th centuries are determined.  Generalizing, we note that the analytical dimension of the creative phenomenon of M.M. Sinelnikov in the coordinates of the game conception of culture J. Huizinga significantly deepened the idea of the importance of artistic activity and its cultural activities in the formation of socio-cultural space of Ukraine in the late 19th – early 20th centuries. In addition, in our opinion, M.M. Sinelnikov`s unique artistic experience is worthy of a return to cultural circulation in order to integrate it into the realities of contemporary artistic progress.


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