
  • Svitlana Martynova



marginality, culture, socio-cultural space, society, marginal personality.


The purpose of the article. The socio-philosophical analysis of the peculiarities of margins in the conditions of globalization, determinants, and mechanisms of social transit of marginal individuals and marginal communities in the integrated socio-cultural space is studied. The aim is to study marginality as a socio-cultural and existential phenomenon that has meta anthropological and creative potential to determine its role in the cultural space. Methodology. The article combines cultural and philosophical analysis with dialectical and synergetic methods in the study of marginal communities in culture as complex, open, dynamic, self-organized, holistic systems, the transformation of which is considered through the dialectical law of mutual transition of quantitative meanings and qualitative changes. Scientific novelty. Most modern researchers interpret the state of Ukrainian socio-culture as borderline close to critical. The proposed loss is a special mode of transition and is associated with the risk of avalanche-like development of total marginalization of society. Conclusions. It was found that "margin" means an objective social process that reflects the processes of distancing specific social objects from the dominant axiological guidelines in society the distribution of material goods and is characterized by a dichotomy of "ascending-descending"; "Marginal transition" appears as a change in the essence of social relations of a social object which fixes its specific position in society; "Marginal leap" is defined as a form of transition of the community to a new social order in a relatively short time. The theoretical and practical significance of the obtained results lies in identifying and substantiating the peculiarities of the transformation of marginalized communities in the context of globalization. Substantiation of the specifics of the socio-philosophical design of the transit of the Ukrainian community into the integrated socio-cultural space will contribute to 1) clarification of external and internal contexts of social transformation; 2) systematization of factors that determine the margins of the community, in order to determine the determinants of its demarginalization; 3) elaboration of integration guidelines, compromises for an inhomogeneous society. The current stage of development of society is accompanied by a qualitative and large-scale transformation of social ties, group dominants, socio-cultural stereotypes which determines the peculiarity of marginal transformations in the context of globalization. The high dynamics of transitive processes in society affects the objective formation of significant disparities in various spheres of social relations. As a result, the scale of the marginalization of society is increasing.


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