The Typology of Christ the Good Shepherd iconography in the Early Christian and West European art of the 15-17th centuries


  • Оksana Shyroka



Christ the Good Shepherd, iconography of Christ, allegory, early Christian art, West European art.


The purpose of the article is to trace the peculiarities of the development of Christ the Good Shepherd iconography from the samples of the Early Christian Era (3-4th centuries) to later interpretations in the West European art of 15-17th centuries. Scientific novelty. the article is the first attempt to unify and comprehend the iconography of Christ the Good Shepherd at all stages of its development, including an allegorical image originated from the ancient prototype and symbolical depiction of Jesus Christ with a lamb on his back popular in the West European art of 15-17th centuries. Methodology. The work on the article was studied with the use of the method of formal art analysis. The symbolism of the works in terms of their sacral meaning was studied with the use of the iconographic method. The hermeneutical method was used for outlining the origin and development of the iconography of Christ the Good Shepherd from the viewpoint of the controversy between Christianity and Paganism, Catholicism, and Protestantism. Conclusions: Based on the images of the early Christian period and West European art of the 15-17th centuries, four types of images were singled out: 1. A Good Shepherd as a barefaced young man with the lamb on his back; 2. The barefaced young shepherd with a crook, harp, or bucket of water standing next to the flock of sheep; 3. Jesus Christ as the Pantocrator, an adult man with the lamb on his back; 4. Jesus resurrected, often bare, with the wounds on his legs and arms, with the lamb on his shoulders.


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Art, decorative art, restaurant