To the definition of the "performance image" concept


  • Oleksandra Loktіonova-Oitsius



performing image, creative-performing activity, artistic image.


The purpose of the article definition and characterization of the concept of "performing image". The research methodology is to apply the general principles of scientific knowledge, which correspond to modern art discourse. This led to the use of methods: system-analytical - to determine the prerequisites and prospects for analysis of semantic aspects of the performance image; comparative - to draw analogies with the structural and semantic parameters of the concept of "artistic image"; structural - to determine the possible structure of the performing image, on the basis of which are determined and characterized by its content aspects. The scientific novelty of the obtained results lies in the definition and characterization of the concept of "performing image", which opens a new perspective in the analysis and study of creative and performing activities of the artist. Conclusions. Based on the analysis of scientific works, the structure of the artistic image, with the help of actualization of system-analytical, comparative, structural methods in the research the concept of "performing image" is defined and its semantic aspects are characterized.


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Musical art