Stylistic dialogism within the genre of a memorial piano ballad


  • Nataliia Sydir



memorial creativity, a ballad for piano, stylistic dialogism, intertextuality.


The purpose of the article aims at substantiating the motivation for referring to the genre of the memorial ballad for piano in contemporary composer`s work, the manifestation of the means and methods of reproducing the style dialogue. The research methodology consists in the use of a retrospective method – to reconstruct the features of romantic genre varieties of ballads, cultural and historical – to reveal the peculiarities of their embodiment and musical means in various socio-historical circumstances; comparative – to identify the aesthetic-stylistic, worldview, content, genre, dramatic, textual, features of the creative process in the assets of composers. The scientific novelty lies in an integrated approach to the manifestation of the grounds for the appeal to the genre of the memorial ballad by artists of different composing schools, the justification of their creative tasks, goals, and means. Conclusions. In the appeals to the ballad genre by S. Slonimsky and M. Stepanenko, a number of common features can be traced: personal motivation due to parallel performing and research activities, the inherent in the artist`s psychological type a tendency to memorial creativity, the desire for a dialogue of epochs at the level of genre features, shaping, tonal-harmonic thinking, melodic deployment, national and ethnic characteristics, as well as intertextual means that correlate the features of individual composer styles.


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Musical art