Aesthetic Education as Actual Training Direction of Arts High School Students in Information Society


  • Maryna Tatarenko
  • Olena Kosinova



aesthetic education, information society, creative activity, cultural heritage, aesthetic taste, aesthetic feelings.


The purpose of the article is to investigate the features of professional training of stage specialists in the context of the development of corporate culture in the information space. The research methodology provides a comprehensive approach using analytical, systematic methods, comparative, which allows to identify the main features and professional competencies that need to be mastered by students as masters of the stage in the development of the information society. The scientific novelty of the work lies in the actualization of professional aesthetic and stage competencies and skills of students of creative specialties, given the entry of the educational process in the information-oriented context of the development of artistic professional education. Conclusions. As a result of the research it was established that the educational and creative process involves the acquisition of aesthetic knowledge by students and the formation of relevant beliefs, needs, interests, habits, skills and abilities in accordance with the demands of the modern information society. The article reveals the concept of aesthetic education of students of art freelance as a purposeful and systematic process of formation of aesthetic concepts, tastes and ideals, attitude to the profession, to nature and art, to society and life, to communication and relationships, development of creative component of professional activity. The value aspect of the new paradigm of creative education directly determines the main tasks and directions of reforming creative education in Ukraine. This applies both to the main goal of the education system (creating conditions for the development and self-realization of each individual as a citizen of Ukraine) and the fundamental principles and priorities of creative development of stage masters.


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Stage art