“Entertainment” is a vector component of the development of Western European culture in the ХIХ - early ХХ centuries


  • Olena Chumachenko




«Entertainment», Western European culture of the 19th - early 20th centuries, existential concept, positivism.


The purpose of the article consists of investigating the dynamics of cultural and semantic reference points of the “Entertainment” phenomenon in the context of the development of Western European culture in the ХІХ - early ХХ centuries. The research methodology consists in the application of analytical method - to determine the theoretical and methodological foundations of the study of the phenomenon of "Entertainment" in the context of Western European culture of the ХIХ - early ХХ centuries; we use the historical and cultural method to investigate the dynamics of cultural and semantic reference points of the phenomenon of "Entertainment" in the context of the development of Western European culture of this historical period; method of comparative studies - for the analysis of approaches to understanding the phenomenon of «Entertainment»; the hermeneutic method - for the interpretation of the semantic content of the concept of "Entertainment" in the context of the development of Western European culture of the ХІХ - early ХХ centuries. The scientific novelty of the work is that for the first time the essence of the phenomenon of «Entertainment» as a vector component of the development of Western European culture of the ХIХ - early ХХ century. Conclusions. The study of problems phenomenon of «Entertainment» requires the use of an interdisciplinary approach, which acquires its clear features when choosing a subject of study. The phenomenon of «Entertainment» is a way of personifying exclusivity; a specific existential concept, which is considered as a fundamental principle of philosophical knowledge, due to which a person's relationship with himself, with other people, is revealed; a form of transferring the internal dynamics of changes in feelings, which reflect the search forms of certain methods for the embodiment of the psychological life of an individual "I" isolated from others and concentrated in itself. All the specified aspects vividly prove the definition of the «Entertainment» phenomenon as one of the vector components of the development of Western European culture in the ХІХ - early ХХ centuries.


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