Exhibition activity of Michael Guyda in China


  • Min Dong




art exhibition, art, painting, culture of China, artist.


determining factor in the development of Ukrainian art and its cultural ties with China. Methodology. General scientific research methods were used, in particular, historical-chronological, biographical, as well as figurative-stylistic, semantic, systematic and theoretical-artistic analysis. The scientific novelty is to clarify the specifics of the international creative activity of Mykhailo Huyda and its significance in modern cultural and artistic processes, taking into account its aesthetic and figurative content. Conclusions. The peculiarities of the exhibition activity of the painter Mykhailo Guida in China as a specific aspect of creative activity aimed at the development of fine arts in Ukraine, which is an example of establishing interstate cultural ties, forming a positive international image of Ukrainian culture, its modern achievements, national-historical, mental, figurative and artistic features. Recognized in China as a master of painting, a talented educator and public figure, Mikhail Guida demonstrates a high level of art, represented by numerous compositions and a variety of genres from portraiture to landscape, historical and plot works, nude. The richness of the artist's artistic culture is embodied in the diversity of the artist's creative ideas and decisions. The study of Mikhail Guida's exhibition activity in China revealed the sequence of his exhibition activity as a kind of reporting on artistic achievements in certain periods of his activity, the artist's orientation to high examples of world art, successful implementation of international cultural projects. It was found that the exhibition activity of M. Guida has a deep spiritual meaning, reflects the demands of modern international cooperation in the field of art culture, which reveal the possibilities of wide implementation of the acquired artistic experience in new creative practices.


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