Vedda Rosen’s life-creativity as the factor of development of the musical space of Chernihiv region


  • Oleg Badalov



Vedda Rosen, musical enlightenment, Nizhyn University, piano competition.


The purpose of the article the coverage of the stages of the life of pianist, laureate of the international competition, Associate Professor at Nizhyn Mykola Gogol State University Vedda Rosen, determine its contribution to the development of the musical space of Chernihiv region second half of the 20th century. In the field of view of the author – the study of performing and pedagogical activities by V. Rosen of the period of the late 1950s–early 2000s in the context of the development of the artistic phenomenon of the Nizhyn as one of the cultural centers of Chernihiv region. The methodology of the article is based on historical and chronological, source studies, logical and generalizing methods for analyzing periodical sources, studying the creative biography of V. Rosen, identifying the influence of her performing and musical-pedagogical activities on the development of the musical space of Chernihiv region. The scientific novelty of the publication is the first in the Ukrainian musicology study of the life creation of V. Rosen as one of the outstanding artists of the Chernihiv region, the founder of the musical traditions of the region in the second half of the 20th century. Conclusions. The results of the study allowed us to conclude that V. Rosen for half a century played an important role in the development of the musical space of the Chernihiv region, presented the musical achievements of the region, in particular, in the field of piano culture in Ukraine and abroad. Beginning in the 1980s, V. Rosen and her students became the first representatives of the musical culture of the Chernihiv region to win the title of winners of national and international competitions. The study of the activities of leading artists of the Chernihiv region in the second half of the 20th century, carried out by the author of the article, showed that V. Rosen became the first artist of the Chernihiv region, which organically combined performing, pedagogical and scientific-methodical work. This allowed her to achieve significant results in performing, cultural, educational and pedagogical activities, to involve in piano art a significant number of future secondary school teachers – representatives of the region's intelligentsia, to become one of the prominent figures of music life of the Chernihiv region in the second half of the 20th century.


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Musical art